Monday, December 29, 2014

Eternal Search..

Sometimes I find myself in a mood in which I seem to be unable to find satisfaction with the present… per say…
So I search through all playlists, and videos and shelves and folders… I search for a sound or a note or a visual. More than anything I have found that I seek for a change of energy, created deep in my heart. One that can only be created by a deep connection and positive intent towards enlightenment.
I find that I could be creative as I can be receptive. I can listen and imagine. I can learn and re-classify information.
I wonder if anyone else ever feels this type of thirst for knowledge.
The 3rd Eye shock of reading truthful words in a transcript.
The yearning I feel for a fresh, motivational, creative, technikal, banging hip hop masterpiece… How can I even explain it?! It’s just something that is felt.
Like the stability brought by the highest herbs.
Mastery of time is the fruit of knowledge of Earth. Aspirations towards higher states are the powers behind the eternal search.
Knowledge and Consciousness without rest in all realms.

And the Balance of Peace of Mind.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tezkatlipoka - Smoking Mirror -Espejo Ahumeante

The mirror of Tezkatlipoka represents the ancestral memory and the awakened thought.
This aspect of creation can be found within our own essence and  it is our internal memory which guides us and helps us reconnect with energies beyond our third dimension. Making way for higher levels of consciousness.

El espejo de Tezkatlipoka representa la memoria ancestral y al pensamiento despierto.
Este aspecto de creacion puede ser encontrada dentro nuestra esencia propia y es nuestra memoria interna que nos guia y ayuda a reconectar con energias mas alla de nuestra tercera dimension. Abriendo el camino para niveles mas altos de conciencia.